Women Leading the Way: The Impact of Female Lawyers in Australian Family Law

Australia’s legal profession is going through a paradigm shift. Women are rising through the ranks and establishing themselves as influential personalities in their chosen fields. This is particularly noticeable in family law. Female family solicitors are leading the way in restructuring the legal system. 

The Changing Face of the Legal Profession

The Rise of Female Lawyers

The legal profession, traditionally dominated by men, has recently seen an impressive rise in the number of women joining and succeeding in the area. According to current statistics, female solicitors outnumbered male lawyers in various states and territories in Australia. This shift is particularly noticeable in family law, where women are making major contributions and rapidly improving to senior positions.

The Stagnation at the Top

While the increase in the number of female solicitors is a positive trend, there’s a noticeable disparity when it comes to leadership roles. According to a survey conducted by the Australian Financial Review, only 40.9% of lawyers slated for partnership in 2023 were women. This consistent number raises questions, considering the fact that women also constitute the majority of those in senior positions. 

Challenges and Opportunities: Bridging the Gender Gap

The Role of Leadership 

Legal leaders have a critical role in resolving gender inequalities. Achieving a 40:40:20 leadership balance has the potential to considerably lower Australia’s gender pay gap while also increasing senior-level diversity. According to McKinsey’s 2022 Women in the Workplace study, giving women the flexibility to work as they want improves quantifiable outcomes for the business and increases the likelihood of implementing DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) programs. 

The Future of Women in Law 

The increasing involvement of women in law, particularly in family law, indicates an optimistic future. However, more work has to be done to close the gender gap, particularly in leadership positions. It is critical for law firms and legal organizations to continue promoting gender equality and creating an atmosphere that encourages growth and development for all.  

The Power of Individualisation 

Leadership teams should personalize the employee experience to each individual, taking into account the reality of being a woman in law. Although flexibility has enabled women to strike a better balance between their home and work life, business executives must still evaluate how observational opportunities might migrate into distant contexts. 

The increase of women in family law is more than simply an indication of progress; it reflects the shifting dynamics of Australia’s legal profession. Female family lawyers are not simply making their impact; they are leading the way, breaking down boundaries, and redefining the profession. They continue to redefine the narrative by demonstrating that gender is not a barrier for progress in the legal profession. 

National Family Violence Website

A new website available dedicated to assisting people affected by family violence. National Legal Aid in conjunction with the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department has invested in creating this website.

The new national website for people wanting to understand the law in Australia, and where to find help.

The website has free, easy to understand information about:

domestic and family violence

Domestic and Family Violence

  • What is family violence?
  • Myths and understanding
  • How does it affect children
  • Online safety
  • Staying safe
  • What is elder abuse
family law

Family Law

  • How does the system work
  • Arrangement for children
  • Divorce and separation
  • Dividing property after you separate
  • What is spousal or defacto maintenance
  • How to get child support
  • Fears for your safety at court
  • How to prepare for court
child protection

Child Protection

  • What is it
  • How does the Department get information about my family
  • Tips for working with the department
  • What will happen if the Department decides to remove my children
  • Going to court
  • What can I do to help me get my child back
  • What can I do if I am unhappy with the decision made by the court
  • Things have changed and I want my child back, what can I do?
  • Who do I call if I’m worried a child is at risk of harm?

apprehended domestic violence orders

Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders

  • What is it
  • How do Domestic Violence Orders get made?
  • What can it stop
  • What happens in court
  • How do I get my stuff back
  • What happens if someone breaks an order
  • Can I change, end or extend the order
  • What will happen if I move interstate?
  • Can I make arrangements for children when there’s an order?
  • What happens to a person’s visa if there’s domestic and family violence?

The website can be translated into different languages. It also contains useful factsheets that can be downloaded or printed.

If you are experiencing family violence or wish to know more on this subject, visit www.familyviolencelaw.gov.au or contact CopperTree Family Law on (02) 4369 6838 for further information.

CopperTree Family Law finds what matters to you.