Separation or divorce – Things to Consider…

Going through a marital separation or divorce can be an emotionally draining time and can effect everyone in different ways. If you are going through a separation or divorce there are some immediate decisions you may need to make regarding your children and finances. The first step is to try to reach an agreement with your former partner, however, if a mutual decision cannot be reached, engaging with an independent third-party may be the best step forward.

It is important to take care of yourself and your children’s physical and mental health the dependents in the early stages of a parent’s separation or divorce. Some of the things you will need to think about when first separating from a marriage include;

  • Where your children live and who will take care of them?
  • How you and your former partner will support yourselves and your children?
  • What, how and when you will tell the children, other family members and friends?
  • Who will pay outstanding bills or debts?
  • Who will stay in the house?
  • How will the rent or mortgage be paid?
  • What will happen to any joint bank, building society or credit union accounts?
  • What will happen to the house, car, furniture and other property?

Decisions Concerning Your Children

If you have dependent children at home, it is especially important to ensure practical steps are taken for their well-being. The first step would be for you and your former partner to sit down and talk with a view to reaching an agreement which focuses on the best interests of the children. If that fails, or communication between you breaks down, it may be worthwhile to engage with an independent, third party to help mediate.

Decisions Concerning Your Finances and Assets

The financial aspect of a separation can be daunting. Living arrangements, assets, debts and joint accounts are just some of the financial decisions that will need to be considered. Coming to a amicable agreement with your former partner is without doubt the best outcome. However even a mutual agreement should be documented in black and white to ensure everyone is in agreement and will avoid any unneccessary disputes in the future. Seeking advice from a qualified and experienced family lawyer may be the best option.

Whichever way is the right option for you, reaching an agreement early will help ease the stress of going through a separation or divorce.

There are several options you can consider to help with a separation or divorce, they include:

Speaking with Loved Ones.

Speaking with family and friends who may have already experienced a divorce or seperation. It is great to speak with someone who cares for you, though it is advisable to get legal advice too.

Family Relationship Centers.

To find a Centre near you, or to find out about other services in your area, call 1800 050 321 or visit Family Relationships online

Reconciliation Counseling

Reconciliation counseling may help you understand more about your feelings and help you decide whether to stay together or not.

Separation Counseling or Mediation.

Separation counseling or mediation may help you to sort out any problems you have about settling your arrangements if you decide to separate.

Legal Advice

Legal advice will help you understand the law relating to family disputes and help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities. Obtaining legal advice right at the beginning could not only save you time and money but could assit you and your former partner preserve your relationship for the future benefit of the children. CopperTree Family Law are experienced Family Lawyers who can help. Our team are here to listen, provide you with informed and independent legal advice and we can help you reach an an agreement with your former partner. We can also assit you document the agreement reached, so as to be enforceable if your former partner later decides not to comply with his/her obligations.

Separation is never easy, focusing on what matters for you and finding a solution early will help ease the pressures and allow you to come to terms with the separation, allowing you to find your feet to move forward again.

Call CopperTree Family Law today for an obligation free chat on 02 4369 6838.